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HomeTechnologyThe Nexus of AI and SEO: Breaking Things Down

The Nexus of AI and SEO: Breaking Things Down

If you’ve been following the news recently, you’re no doubt already familiar with artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT. What (seemingly) began life as a fun chatbot like experience has ended up causing a significant amount of disruption in just a few short months. Students are using it to do their homework. Employees in various industries are using it to automate their daily work. The list goes on and on.

Of course, this demands the question – what role, if any, does AI have within the context of search engine optimization (SEO)? After all, isn’t SEO already so heavily automation-driven? What impact will it have on the way we think about website design Toledo services moving forward? These are important questions to ask, and their answers require you to keep a few key things in mind.

AI and SEO: The Story So Far

First, it’s important to look at where AI is NOT being used in terms of SEO (or at least, where it shouldn’t be used): for tasks like content creation.

The people at Google in particular have made it crystal clear over the years that their search algorithms will favor content that is written by humans, for humans – end of story. So anyone who says that they can use AI to efficiently and inexpensively create “high quality content” to instantly inflate your standing in the SERPS either A) isn’t being genuine about their intentions, or B) is woefully misunderstanding just how all of this works.

Where AI can be of use in terms of SEO, however, has to do with tasks like identifying opportunities. AI can be a great way to quickly identify the right topics that you should be writing about, performing a lot of the research quickly so that the task can then be turned over to humans. It can also be used to help refresh content by checking for the quality of backlinks and performing similar tasks related to a pretty routine site audit that you might conduct on a regular basis.

InfoStream: Your Website Development Toledo Partner

In the end, artificial intelligence and related tools certainly have their place in web development (along with just about every other industry you can think of). But when it comes to web design Toledo, it’s important to get your expectations in order. AI isn’t about replacing the need for human workers with real expertise and creativity. Instead, it’s about supporting and empowering them. It’s about freeing up as much of their valuable time as possible so that they can focus more on those matters that truly need their attention – resulting in a higher quality end product for customers like you along the way.

If you’d like to find out more information about what the impending arrival of AI-driven tools means for the future of SEO as we know it, or if you just have any additional questions that you’d like to discuss with a Toledo Ohio web design expert in a bit more detail, please don’t delay – contact InfoStream today.


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